Cthulhu on Parade! A Check, Please! Event – Cthulhu, Please Pick Up The Check/Cheque – The Rise Part 1

  • Play:
  • Song Name: Cthulhu on Parade! A Check, Please! Event - Cthulhu, Please Pick Up The Check/Cheque - The Rise Part 1
  • Artist: Stephen Vs. The Wretched Beast (With Will M, JJ & Aaron!)
  • Album: Cthulhu on Parade!
  • Year: 2018

Yes, the rumours were true! Two weeks ago, the Wretched Beast, Stephen, and their friends (of the show) Will M, JJ Hawkins (@JJHawkins on Twitter) and Aaron Fever (@AaronFever) joined together with a dark purpose: to play the roleplaying game Call of Cthulhu.

In this session, we attend an auction, and board a train!


The Wretched Beast as Games Master

Stephen as Beauford Loren-Smith, hot-blooded dilettante.
Aaron Fever as Arthur Francis Allen, grumpy scholar of the occult.
JJ Hawkins as Rebecca Church, stoic private investigator.
Will M as Ingrid Hamm, artist with shady connections.

Theme music: Kaissa (Karpov Not Kasparov) / CC BY-NC-SA 3.0